Friday, November 7, 2008

20 Man X-Division Gauntlet Match from TNA Victory Road (2004)

It was the first ever TNA 3 hour pay per view event, 4 years ago today and to kick it all off, a 20 Man X-Division Gauntlet, featuring: Frankie Kazarian, Sonjay Dutt, Puma, L.A. Park, Jerrelle Clark, Miyamoto, Michael Shane, Hector Garza, Nosawa, Mikey Batts, Alex Shelley, Matt Sydal, Sonny Siaki, Jason Cross, Shark Boy, Psicosis, D-Ray 3000, Amazing Red, Spanky and Chris Sabin.

1 comment:

Ruth said...

This was a freaking awesome match very impressed with a few guys I never knew before such as: Kazarian, Chris Sabin, Amazing Red, Sonny Siaki, and Jerelle Clark they were all amazing! GREAT CHOICE BUG:)